This dojo is led by the nun Femenias ReiKiku , who received Dharma transmission of Master Kosen in April 2015 . Zazen takes place three times a week; Adress is  distansgatan 59, in  flatås near Frölunda Torg , 350m from the tram stop Nymilsgatan (Tram  1,7,8) . If you want to start practicing , do not hesitate to contact us via email form or leave an sms to 00 46 735570048, we will arrange a 30mm initiation. We also organize zazen morning followed by sauna in the afternoon, and a sesshin usually  by the sea side. Our zazen is open on the whole planet via the zoom video conference software. Check for the details about how to connect.

Maître Rei Kiku Femenias

Zen Teaching

This dojo is directed by Master Rei Kiku Femenias

The nun Rei Kiku, Paula Femenias started zazen in 1990 in Sweden, and for years she followed Master Kosen to Amsterdam and Montpellier. Since 2011 she is back in Sweden where she leads a zazen group. Paula is married and has two children, she works and continues to follow Master Kosen and the practice at Temple Yujo Nyusanji.


On the days and times shown below, the Dojo is opened for the practice of Zazen. Zazen lasts around an hour and a half. We ask you to arrive 10 minutes in advance to prepare yourself for Zazen.


Beginners' course in the practice of Zazen

The beginners' course takes place each Sunday, 09:15

During the beginners' course, you will be shown the different sorts of meditation exercises which are traditionally practiced in an authentic Zen Dojo : Zazen, Kin-Hin, Sampaï, Gassho.

You will be assisted in the practice of these various exercises by zen monks or advanced practitioners. You will also learn about proper behaviour and attitude in a Dojo during meditation.

The course lasts 45 minutes and is followed by a 1 hour Zazen. This is free of charge. No need to register in advance. Just dress in loose fitting, dark clothes.

Address : Distansgatan 59, Vastra Frolunda 42170 Goteborg SWEDEN

There are three tram 1,7 and 8 stopping at Nymilsgatan stop, then 350m walk . You can also park your car right in front.

Displayzen dojo Göteborg into a bigger map

Address : Distansgatan 59, Vastra Frolunda 42170 Goteborg SWEDEN

Tel. : 0046735570048

Website : zen dojo Göteborg

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boaudha ambiance matrix

We invite you to take part in a marathon of 12 online zazens, over 24 hours, led by the nuns and monks of the kosen sangha already present and always present since the origin of this practice.


Pictures from zen dojo Göteborg

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Zen meditation : retreats

Next sesshin : from 22 March 2025 to 23 March 2025 - Information and registration to this zen retreat

sesshin of Lyon

The universe is a bright pearl


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Let's help the Kosen Sangha and the Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Listen to and download last teachings (in french) of Master Kosen in Montpellier's dojo