What is a sesshin ?

Touch the mind, become intimate with oneself, concentrating in zazen on the unified body and mind. This teaching was transmitted by Master Taisen Deshimaru.

Neither philosophy, nor ethics, nor religion, the Zen allows us to reach the origin of every philosophy, ethics or religion. Spring of awakening, the Zen transforms our life here and now.

Sesshin means touching the mind, it is a period where we essentially concentrate on zazen, also including samu, concentration on daily chore such as cooking or dish washing. Eventually we may practice yoga, do-in etc.

From Saturday 13 June until Sunday 14 June 2015

Mei Ran Zen Dojo Amsterdam

The practice of zazen is the essence of Zen.

Sitting facing the wall on a round cushion (zafu ), the legs in the lotus or semi lotus position, the knees laid down on the ground, the back well straight, the neck stretched, the left hand on the right hand, the edge of the hands on the abdomen, in a total immobility.

The breathing is quiet and the concentration is more directed to the breathing out.

The conscious mind is still, without entertaining nor rejecting the thoughts, we let them pass through the concentration on the posture and the breathing.

Master Deshimaru practising zazen

This sesshin is managed by Master Kosen Thibaut

Maître Kosen Thibaut, moine zen et 83e successeur du Bouddha dans la traddition Zen Soto

Zen monk since 1971, Master Kosen practiced fifteen years at the of Master Taisen Dehimaru, of whom he was one of the closest disciples.

Since the death of his Master, he continues the practice of Zazen and directs many Sesshins.

In 1984, he received Shiho (the Dharma transmission) from the hands of Master Niwa Zenji, the highest authority of Zen in Japan, and hence became himself a Master in the tradition of Zen.

In 1997, he published the book "Zen, the inner revolution" and in 2006 he published "The five stages of Awakening (Editions du Relié)"

For more information about Master Kosen

This sesshin will occur from Saturday 13 June (arrivals the evening before), until Sunday 14 June 2015, in Mei Ran Zen Dojo Amsterdam.

Mei Ran Zen Dojo Amsterdam

Mei Ran Zen Dojo (former European Zen Center) is a beautiful dojo in Amsterdam, led by Alga del Mar.

Mei Ran Zen Dojo
Fizeaustraat 23
1097 SC Amsterdam
+ 31 (0) 6 104 423 19

Our e-mail address:

Our website:

The daily practice is open to all.

Our zazen times*:
Tuesday 7:30
Wednesday 7:30 & 6:30
Thursday 7:30 a.m.
Saturday 11:00 a.m.
Sunday 11:00 a.m.

Each Sunday there is a 50-minutes free introduction at 10:00 a.m.

Each month there is a zen introduction course comprising 3 classes of 2 hours each.

Donations are welcome!!

Our bank account no.:
Stg. Zen Deshimaru Amsterdam
IBAN: NL16 INGB 0007 3661 06


Zen meditation in Mei Ran Zen Dojo Master Soko & Alga


Fizeaustraat 23 1097 SC AMSTERDAM - Tel. +31 (0)6 85786336

How to come

How to come:

- Metro:


- Bus:

stop Fizeaustraat


DisplayMei Ran Zen Dojo Amsterdam into a bigger map


We offer two prices

  • For people of modest means : 50 €
  • For people able to pay the sesshin at its right price :70 €

Subscribe to our YouTube channel

Lord, it would be nice if you would allow the women to enter the life without residence Following your teaching and your training.


Donate to the Sangha

Let's help the Kosen Sangha and the Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Listen to and download last teachings (in french) of Master Kosen in Montpellier's dojo