Ingrid Gyu Ji has been in charge of the Yujo Nyusanji Zen Temple since this autumn, taking over from Master Kosho Loic Vuillemin. Here is some news of this first autumn at the Zen temple in the Montains of Caroux. All the samu was performed with help of many members of the Kosen Sangha.

« It's been two months since I have moved to the Temple. I am  now well settled, although I am waiting for the insulation and the new windows to be renovated, that will help me no longer suffer the cold. Fred and a group of experts (those who have skills for the works) have helped enormously to put all this in place.

Organisation du samu au temple zen yujo nyusanjiLaurent is staying at the Temple since the sesshin of the South. His presence is a great gift. He follows the rhythm of zazen and samu. We practice zazen twice a day, except Mondays and we practice samu every day, except Mondays. We have Gen Mai together in the morning, we take turns to prepare lunch every day and in the evening, we have dinner each in their home.

The samu are numerous: cleaning, storage, tidying up, improvement of comfort, insulation, painting, wood ...

During this period, Mirek joined us occasionally to take care of the electricity of the apartment of the guardian, to sort out the heating of the dojo and the refectory (to put product to fill the holes and add antifreeze), and he will be returning at the end of the week to empty the water tank and cut the water, for the winter camp: the cold is there, also a little snow and above all, it freezes. But the weather changes and the sun is back.

Ton spent a month at the temple painting the guardian's apartment, and nine people came on a weekend in September for painting and other samu. Christian also spent a week at the temple looking after the vegetable garden. We ate good vegetables: leeks, turnips, lettuce, cabbages of all kinds, radishes ... What happiness!

zazen quotidien au temple

Two weeks ago, Batiste and Marc spent two days chopping and storing wood. Vero came last weekend with her theater group. A practitioner from Bédarieux comes every Saturday to practice zazen with us and I await the new leaflet of the temple that will be distributed in the region, as well as the zazen subscription cards that Xavier is preparing.

Next week end, samu again to thoroughly clean the kitchen, among other chores. New auxiliary gas heating has been ordered for the winter camp. The mayor and a firefighter have come to carry out the safety inspection: I am waiting for the report, which the fireman assured me, is ok: the next inspection will be in 3 years.

Yesterday, I drove the pick-up for the first time: oops, on snow and ice, I got over my apprehension! If people want to spend Christmas here at the temple awaiting the winter camp, they are welcome: it is 12 € / day and 10 € extra to prepare a nice dinner for Christmas Eve. A little samu of course and also having a good time! »

The next big meeting is the winter camp.

Do not wait to register.

See you soon,

Ingrid, Gyu Ji, responsible for the Yujo Nyusanji Temple

La maitre zen Gyu Ji, responsable du temple zen Yujo Nyusanji

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sesshin of Lyon

Lord, it would be nice if you would allow the women to enter the life without residence Following your teaching and your training.


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Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


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