Master Kosen Thibaut

Zen monk since 1971, Master Kosen practiced fifteen years at the of Master Taisen Dehimaru, of whom he was one of the closest disciples.Since the death of his Master, he continues the practice of Zazen and directs many Sesshins.

In 1984, he received Shiho (the Dharma transmission) from the hands of Master Niwa Zenji, the highest authority of Zen in Japan, and hence became himself a Master in the tradition of Zen.In 1997, he published the book "Zen, the inner revolution" and in 2006 he published "The five stages of Awakening (Editions du Relié)". For more information about Master Kosen


Master Soko Leroux

Pierre Leroux encountered Zen in Rennes in 1986 and since then continued without interruption the practice of zen. For ten years he engaged in all the sesshins and intensive camps at The Gendronnière zen temple funded by Master Taisen Deshimaru, fullfilling duties at the temple’s kitchen. In 1991, Master Kosen , the heir in the dharma of Master Taisen Deshimaru, ordained him zen monk the Gendronnière temple.

From 1993, when Master Kosen created his own sangha, he became the historical Tenzo of the sangha (head chief in the kitchen of a zen temple). He instructed numerous disciples in the practice of zen and samu (handyworks). In 1999 he cofounded the Barcelona’s Zen Dojo in Gracia neighbourhood. October 2009 he received the transmission ( Shiho) from the hands of his master, Master Kosen at Yujo Nyusanji temple, in consequence  becoming Master Soko, 85th successor of Shakyamuni Bouddha in the Soto Zen tradition.


Master Ryurin Desmur

Christophe Ryurin Desmur is a zen monk since 1989. He is responsible for  the practice of Zen in Lyon. Chinese calligraphy teacher, he is the Kosen Sangha official calligrapher.

October 8th 2009 he received the Shiho (dharma transmission) from the hands of Master Kosen


Master Gyu Ji Igelnick

Ingrid Igelnick came across Zen and met Master Deshimaru in 1978. In 1984, she received the nun ordination by Master Kosen, of whom she received the transmission of the Shiho in 2015.

Parallel to this, she has trained in shiatsu (Zen massage) and she has created Soi-Zen, a clothing workshop for kimonos and kolomos.

She practices zen with her Master since 1992 and assists him in his mission. She has been leading sesshins for several years and also teaches the sewing of the kesa.

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sesshin of Lyon

The universe is a bright pearl


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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Listen to and download last teachings (in french) of Master Kosen in Montpellier's dojo