A talk with Vincent Keisan Vuillemin

The Higgs boson verifies the actual standard Model which directs our understanding of particle physics and allows us to visualize how matter is arising in our universe from what we call vacuity. This process is similar to the relationship between the vacuity and our material reality, described already in the ancient Buddhist and Zen scriptures. The conference will relate these perspectives and will propose some comparison between particle physics and zen in an aproach understandable by everyone.

As a physicist, Vincent Keisen Vuillemin joined the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in 1980. he participated in the construction for the new CERN accelerator, the LHC, and occupied various managerial positions, Keisen was ordenained Zen monk in 1987 and later as Zen Master. He leads the Zen Dojo of Geneva, Switzerland.

  relationship between the vacuity and our material reality, described already in the ancient Buddhist and Zen scriptures

Free entrance, date and time: Friday 23rd November Noviembre from 16:00 to 18:00 hs. Location: University of Amsterdam, Plantage Muidergacht, 12, 1018 TV Amsterdam.  Aula REC-M 1.03 . Registration: European Zen Center

Participants interested in the Zen practice are invited after the talk to a courtesy drink around the corner at European Zen Center Valckeniersstraat 35, 1018 XD Amsterdam. Tel. +31 20 6258884

Vincent Keisen Vuillemin will also lead a short Zen retreat  (sesshin) the 24th and 25th of November in the European Zen Center. For more information visit the site below or contact the center

Conferencia :el Boson de Higgs: mensajero de la vacuidad en la física y en el zen

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