The cuban Sangha was founded by Master Kosen in 1996. Today that Sangha, after many years of practicing zazen in difficult conditions, at home or in loaned places, seeks to acquire a house to create a Zen center.

Here is a letter from Master Bárbara Kosen about this project.

Dear friends, monks and nuns, practicants, bodhisattvas and sympathizers,

We need your collaboration to help the Sangha at Cuba.

This last year has been difficult for everybody. The pandemic has left a trace of pain, fear and precariousness in many people, and in Cuba this has been especially hard. Since many years, I visit Cuba to give ordinations and to celebrate sesshins, following the steps of Master Kosen Thibaut, who founded the Cuban Sangha in 1996. Today it is managed by Master Michel Tai Hei, towhomI transmitted the Shiho at Shorin Ji temple in 2108. The Sangha at Cuba has been practicing in private homes or in lent spaces, not having a fixed location where to get together and celebrate sesshins.

Now we have the opportunity to help themto acquire a center for the practice of the Way. It is a house in the city of Matanzas. A building that barely needs improvements and for which a very low price is asked, being located in a secondary city. There, the intention is to create a Buddhist Zen Center,with a dojo, a library and accommodations for the masters visiting Cuba.

As a house with all the installations in working order, we think it constitutes an excellent buying opportunity. Even so, they need our economic collaboration to get together the amount needed to buy it.

When we will have reached our monetary goal and that the Cuban Zen Center will exist, I will travel to Cuba accompanied by several monks to hand over the funds. On this occasion, we shall celebrate a Sesshín in appreciation to which all of you who have helped with this initiative are invited. It shall be a trip and a sesshin of gratitude for the end of the pandemic and for the consolidation of our practice and of the Way in Cuba. Somethingwewill have made possible between all of us.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Master Bárbara Kosen



You will find all the informations you need about this initiative in the document below. Please note that if you wish to support this project, do not mention Cuba in your transfer requests, as some banks will block the transaction (!).


« Your words and mind are in unity more intimate than mother and father, your actions and the way are in unity, so is the Buddha mind »


Photo Dojo zen de Cuba

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Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

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