4 sessions, 4 Masters: the summer camp of the Kosen Sangha is approaching!
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4 sessions, 4 Masters: the summer camp of the Kosen Sangha is approaching!

it is one and the same light which harmonizes in a whole

Good morning all,


This year, once more, a period of 15 days of samu is offered to you before the summer camp. This is the opportunity to enjoy the temple, practice in the dojo while participating in the setting up of the traditional summer camp.


On this occasion, we’ll do a deep cleaning of the dormitories, the kitchen, the lunchroom as well as the surroundings and the swimming pool.

Work on the lower building has progressed a great deal, but here too we are planning to carry out some samu. If you are good with repairs, you will be able to practice your art (fitting out a kitchen, a sink, toilets, some electricity jobs, small masonry and painting…).


During your free time you’ll be able to explore the surrounding nature, small rocky mountains with beautiful forests and gorges where you can bathe.


In practice

Permanent practitioners can benefit from the following fees:

  • 4 permanent sessions + full samu: 655 €
  • 3 permanent sessions + full samu: 700 €


The other participants in the samu will have to pay 15 € per day.


The pace of this period

  • zazen at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
  • 4 hours of samu per day + participation in the preparation of meals and cleaning of sanitary facilities
  • free time on Sunday afternoon and Monday


Information and registration: yujo.nyusanji@zen-deshimaru.com

Pleased to welcome you.

Ingrid Gyu Ji, head of Yujo Nyusanji Temple

Coming soon

Summer Camp in Temple Yujo Nyusanji

From Saturday 17 July until Wednesday 25 August 2021 at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple. Led by The godos of the summer camp 2021 at Yujo Nyusanji.

2 sessions of 9 days, one session of 10 days and one of 8 days.

  • 1st session led by Master Soko Leroux: 17 to 25 July
  • 2nd session led by Master Ryurin Desmur: 27 July to 4 August
  • 3rd session led by Master Kosen: 7 to 16 August
  • 4th session led by Master Gyu Ji Igelnick: 18 to 25 August

Practical information

It is possible to register for one or more sessions independently.


Permanent participants stay for three or four sessions and are involved in its organisation and functioning. They benefit from a special rate.


Every year families come to the summer camp. The children are taken care of during the practice by parents who take turns to look after them.

Summer Camp in Temple Yujo Nyusanji

Ango is a tradition that has been carried on since the Buddha. It was a period of practice that brought together the entire Sangha around the Buddha during the rainy season in summer. It is a special time to deepen the practice of zazen.

Waking up in the temple
Cooking team
End of session

From 17 July to 25 August, led by four Masters of the Kosen Sangha, all bearers of the spirit of the Sangha.

Master Kosen
Morning ceremony
Morning walk

Mondo(*) with Master Kosen

4) Can one practise and yet develop social and human experiences?

Love, the gift of oneself, the gift of everything, to the other one, to the others, is it the foundation of life? Or then life, true life, it is to follow you, to listen to you, to go there where you are? Because if we experiment this life of summer camp [ ... ]


5) Can one practise and yet develop social and human experiences?

I admire you to have known how to create a community, even if you did not want it, even if your believers came like the butterflies attracted by flame. I admire you even more if you wanted it. But, I ask it to you, this community life, this life where [ ... ]

* "Mondo": Question-answer

Do not think of anything by yourself.


Thus, practising breathing in and breathing out, your deep nature as well as your sensitive nature will unconsciously become non-knowing, non-comprehending.


From then on, everything can become naturally calm, radiating komyo, in the unity of mind and body. That is why, when we call him, he should answer quickly.


It is one and the same komyo that harmonises the people of satori and the people of illusions into one.

So even if you move, it should not disturb you.


And the forest, the flowers, the blades of grass, the animals, the human beings - whether long, short, square or round - will be able to be realised immediately, automatically, independently of your own intelligence and the personal action of your thought.

Master Koun Ejo

Extract from Komyo Zo Zanmai - 13th century

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Next sesshin : from 22 March 2025 to 23 March 2025 - Information and registration to this zen retreat

sesshin of Lyon

How can he smile so happy? Do not compare him to the others; His social manners are not from this world His happiness comes from his own nature.


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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Listen to and download last teachings (in french) of Master Kosen in Montpellier's dojo