How to practise zazen if one is unable to sit in full-lotus?

How to practise zazen if one is unable to sit in the full-lotus position? In vain I try to sit (in a sort of half-lotus), to soften it, but I practice less and less because I'm not to be able to make this position, which is the one of Zen, this really upsets me and prevents me from concentrating. Isn’t it there any way or particular exercise ...

Ski satori?

Skiing, I had the impression to be fused with a mountain. This feeling came to me with a great joy. Is that a little satori?

"The 8 satori of the Great man."

I've read the comments of Master Dogen on "the 8 satori of the Great man". I can establish a correspondence with the eightfold path, except for "CHISOKU", the SATISFACTION OF WHAT IS. Which relationship is there with the right action?Should it be understood that ONE has simply the fruit of the last actions?Is CHISOKU the recognition of the karma...

How to recognise satori

Quelle différence y -a-t-il lorsqu'on atteint le satori et comment savons-nous que nous l'avons atteint ? Même si le seul fait de pratiquer zazen suffit, l'humain a toujours des questions lorsque le satori n'a pas encore pointé le bout de son nez. Un ego encore trop fort.

Zen at war... (continuation)

Hello, thank you for the reply Why are some people calm on the outside and vicious in nature on the inside, where did this come from? i have calm in very bad situations its feels peacefull and energy and clear. i feel i am supposed to protect something, but i dont know what it is, this "sense" is very strong(i have many ...

death and enlightenment

Everyone gets old, everyone gets sick, everyone dies. So what exactly is the difference at the time of death between an enligthened person and a regular person ? what exactly does enlightenment bring us, since we will die anyway ? Why then sit so much, why not get lost in sensual pleasures, since all of us awaits same faith ?...

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

 Sex: should I realize this power I have discovered inside of me in both its light and its dark sides?Drugs: I cannot stop but I cannot control myself. Should I keep up this way? Rock and Roll: I'm a guitarist without any creativity, though I crave for it. Will it ever come? I gave everything to learn and I still do not enjoy real ...

shikantaza and koan zen

Hello,I understand there are 2 main medidation methods, shikantaza and koan zen. So which one do you prefer and emphasize ?I also believe to completely understand the practice of shikantaza both while sitting and while doing other activities (just do what you do), but i am not sure abut how to praxtice with koans. But what bugs me is that i read...

Kosen or Roland?

Kosen or Roland? One is not in front of a football match!! I dare to hope that the room is larger. If we do not see what brings these 2 men together, then let’s shut up and sit. By pointing out, if we still do not see that it is love, and only love, let us start again...

Is there a risk for our legs when we sit in the lotus posture?

Bonjour, Je prends la posture du lotus, et après une demi-heure quand je décroise les jambes, j'ai l'impression qu'elles n'étaient plus irriguées par le sang. Est-ce qu'il y a un risque à ce niveau, si on garde la posture trop longtemps des tissus ne sont plus irrigués et meurent. Pendant la posture je n'ai pas vraiment très mal, mais au ...

Zen and Islam

I have the pleasure to write this message to you, because I would like to be informed about the comparison between zen and the islam. I have wished so much to practice zen, but I have never found a master to learn from

Close disciple of Kodo Sawaki.

Kojun Kishigami Roshi, close disciple of Kodo Sawaki, in conference today in Paris, said that Deshimaru had grafted a simple branch in a tree while bringing Zen to France, but he hadn't sown seeds being able to spread his transmission, to develop deep roots (I was a little surprised since there were disciples of Deshimaru in the front row)... he...

I wants use the koan MU

My name is Peter Hinz and I live in a town called Perstorp.I am a 35 year old man from Sweden, who wants to use thekoan MU but don't know how togo about it. I have practiced zazen for about 2 years, concentrating on my breathing.Please help me.


Hello Master Kosen. First, let me thank you for taking the time to read and answer my question: Do you think like me that soccer is the sport of the gods (whithout disparaging other sports, but I think that soccer has something special about it)? And that you can play like professional players by practicing zazen, even if you are not as young...

Is the Christian God incompatible with Zen?

In your writings, you keep on speaking about God, and even, of Jesus Christ. That can appear, a priori, surprising coming from a Zen Master, considering that in Buddhism, it is almost never spoken about God. Therefore, is the idea of God, in any case of the Christian God, incompatible with Zen?

How to enter the dojo ?

I am not sure on How is the correct order of movements after you enter Dojoto practice zazen. Nobody talks about that and I see some monks doing nothing,others making gasho to the center and then to the wall, others to the safu, thento the center, others to the Godo then to the wall. As I am learning by following their example, I ended up doing ...

zazen or psychotherapy?

What happens if a neurotic person, with a difficult youth practices Zazen intensively, not doing psychotherapy? Will his neurosis heal? Can he get to a deep understanding of zen, even staying neurotic? Thanks Peter


I lost my way in life. I have acces sometime to the astral, but I hardly can acces the causal and I can not make satori last. I only have glimpses each day.I can not make contact with woman of my age, and I identifie myself with my body often.Will I stay forever in samsara?

How could Master Deshimaru bring back a kesa from Japan as there is no kesa? Is everything not proceeding from KU?

Good morning Master Kosen, Reading along the questions-answers, I get a question: How could Master Deshimaru bring back a kesa from Japan as there is no kesa? Is everything not proceeding from KU? The reality, it seems to me, is that the kesa has been transmitted because I do zazen now and that I have never been in Japan. I am preoccupied from a...

The answer is in the question

It's wonderful,    I ask a question, full of hope and of childish expectations, like a child who expects others to show him some affection, to show him he exists, to love him, in a way. It's the child who asks the question.   Then, this question "goes" in virtual space. Then, enters the grown up: as a ...

The posture causes my legs to go numb!

The posture of ZAZEN (at least the one I take) causes my legs to go numb, which I eventually don’t feel any more. In vain I try to have WILL or COURAGE or STUPIDITY, as you wish, I end up unfolding this cursed leg... Some advice? (If possible other than “continue”)Denis


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Next sesshin : from 22 February 2025 to 23 February 2025 - Information and registration to this zen retreat

End of winter Sesshin 2025 : Zazen the méditation Zen, Caroux Temple near of Montpellier

What would I leave as memory? The flowers in the spring, The cuckoo in the summer, The maple leaves in the fall.


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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Listen to and download last teachings (in french) of Master Kosen in Montpellier's dojo