In Zen practice, a Mondo is a dialogue between a disciple and his master.

The impression of being in Japan.

Kan ji zaï bo satsu. Gyo jin han...why sing that, what does it mean? In the dojo, why do I have the impression of being in Japan? I am not Japanese. I speak better Japanese than Breton! Zazen is very good. Thank you

Obliged to caricature the Easterners.

Aioli that means hello in Provence! Caro Stéphane, On our premises we would say, no it is a guy, I’m right! and the other buddy, says "it seems to me he is not a guy, he is a monk" A fatchedecon! He is dressed in fashion, he is a samurai, or then he is Chinese! Besides he’s got a Bartez haircut done. Without talking cock! I’m not talking...

About the name which the Master gives us.

Hello Master Kosen. Here still a question which you will answer, I hope. About the name which the Master gives us during the ordination of Bodhissatva. Perhaps, it is wrong of me to be attached to it but I like it and it acts like a koan to be meditated since you gave it to me. Does one have to be attaches to it? To make use of it? ...

How to enter the dojo ?

I am not sure on How is the correct order of movements after you enter Dojoto practice zazen. Nobody talks about that and I see some monks doing nothing,others making gasho to the center and then to the wall, others to the safu, thento the center, others to the Godo then to the wall. As I am learning by following their example, I ended up doing ...

Translation of Sutras

HelloAs the patriarchs imported Buddhism (and thus the Chan / Zen) in China and in Japan, they translated the language of sutras in the local language. Why those who established and establish sanghas of Zen practice in the West, where the spoken languages are English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish do recite sutras in Sino - Japanese instead of ...

ZEN and Nichiren

I lately rediscovered zen, I could find peace in it as I have done a tentative of suicide (unemployment) but I am again peaceful from 3 years. I was practising the Nichiren Buddhism. That helped me but I want to practice the zen again. Can I still do 5 minutes of MAM MYOHO RENGUE KYO and practice zazen or are they not compatible? Nichiren was ...

Sexism in the Sutras

Pourquoi tellement de sutras semblent etre opposes a une renaissance en tant que femme? Cela parait plutot sexiste. Je sais que meme le Bouddha mis du temps a permettre aux femmes de joindre la sangha, mais lorsque le temps approprie fut venu il permit effectivement aux femmes de joindre la sangha. Dans les dernieres semaines, je suis tombe sur ...

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Zen meditation : retreats

Next sesshin : from 22 February 2025 to 23 February 2025 - Information and registration to this zen retreat

End of winter Sesshin 2025 : Zazen the méditation Zen, Caroux Temple near of Montpellier

Invariably Master Tenryu has raised his thumb Unifying the sky and the earth Without splitting the East from the West Gutei is a real laugh Stroke by muteness The sex erected facing the moon.


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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Listen to and download last teachings (in french) of Master Kosen in Montpellier's dojo