
When a member of your family, unconsciously and only because of his karma, i.e., despite the fact that he's a being who keeps good , scarce, but deep because of blood ties, relationship with us. . .  This hurts us very much, up to the point of not willing to live because one feels he must lose life; how do you solve ...


Introduction: I have been practicing zazen for 15 years. Dokusho Villalba taught me. I am in the habit of having a very low arterial pressure and it is difficult to activate myself. I suspect that the abdominal breathing, which I already do spontaneously during the whole day, influences the excessive slowering of my metabolism.Question: How can ...

Most excellent Master

I already thought, without having met you personally, that you were an excellent Master. I've just read that you enjoyed listening to SUMO and this makes me suspect that God exists and that he pretends to be yourself. How would you clarify that for me?

Sport or meditation, or both?

hello Master, according to scientific research, to do at least 3 X 45 minutes sport per week, would be an effective way of being in shape, sport acts on the neuro transmitters and would support the well being!According to you master, Which one is necessary to do, sport or meditation, or both?

Creative God?

Master, I see that you spoke about Big Bang, so avoiding speaking about a creative God (you are right because nobody can prove his existence or either to deny him) you did like Buddha, to avoid speaking about the question. Probably you also made it to avoid influencing your correspondent on the net. But what is your real thought? If Big Bang ...

the death of my parents (2)

thank you for your kind words of common sense, i am a christian but feelso much sadness when i enter my church, it no longer gives me comfort,in fact it makes me cry, so im searching.... what for i dont know, wheredo i find the conentment and humility that you seem to have where do istart, i want to know more

The education we give our children.

For some years now my 19-year-old son "has turned bad"; firecracker, tags, police custody and already did 22 months in prison... I live alone with him and his sister who, by the way, doesn't cause any trouble. He drags a heavy karma and I feel impotent. It is nevertheless a good boy with whom I can have a dialogue and who respects me but he has ...

To become your disciple?

I wanted to know what does exactly mean to become your disciple. For example, does he/she need necessarily to become a nun or a monk?I suppose that there are meetings, can you enlighten me a little more please?

Reincarnation and Japan

To Whom It May Concern: I am acquainted with a man whom claims re-incarnational memories. He claims that he has experienced many incarnations, that one was of a Zen-monk from Southern Japan, at a monastery just outside of the Prefect of Osaka, and that he was a member of a select group that worked on a project for the Emperor of Japan; in that... is nothing to be done..

Why it is such a problem to have people arround me? I feel like i loosemyself, when there are other people arround. Maybe because i pretend tobe somebodyelse arround others.My entire life i didn't want to do anything, but i did a lot of things,i just wanted to sit and do nothing. I feel like i have to do a lot ofthings in life but i don't know ...

Changing karma

Hello. I have recently begun to go to church every morning before work to pray the rosary by myself on my knees and breathe calmly. After work, I have been going every day to two hours of Bikram yoga. This all began due to a relationship ending where I believe I was not positive during parts of the relationship. Yet, I was also doing ...

Magic powers

To which kind of magic powers does Master Deshimaru refer in his answer to " What about magic powers ?" in the offered list of questons and answers ? I can read that you mention Castaneda in the Introduction of your book. Is there in the teachings of the zen masters a part dealing with "lucid dreams" ?...

The christian faith.

I am a layperson devoted in the Christian faith, I have been feeling for some time now the physical need to know how to meditate better, to look further into my step, to be in sincerity, and this I feel it physically; I have some testimonies of Christian brothers for whom there is no antagonism to be Christian and to practise Zen. I would like ...

a zen-student should have a teacher

dear kosen roshiyou say in your book revolution aus der stille-that a zen-student should have a teacher.i do satsen since 7 years now and did meet yakusho kwong roshi and baker roshi ,and that was very good to practice even more-but in a way i know that i have to do everything by myself-sit,go and work-just to sit seems enough-although there ...

Ego or personality?

Ego or personality? zazen? ego = prison, personality = freedom? Can we recognize what is it that concerns the personality and what concerns the ego?gassho

changing karma 2

Hello,Thank you so much for your quick response. I understand what you have said. It is very meaningful to me. My final questions are, how do I develop a sense of importance or confidence when I am so used to being negative about myself? And, do you think that if I or someone makes these positive changes of mind and spirit, that if a ...

When the monk Kosen awakens Stéphane the man.

Dear Stéphane, You said while answering somebody that it is Stéphane the man who is more important than the monk Kosen because it is him whom must wake up. My question is as follows: when the monk Kosen awakens Stéphane the man, is it then that Master Kosen appears?? Friendly, Laurent

Zen and sciences

Since the 70' a lot of people have been talking about comparisons that should exist between for instance zen and the physics of the twentieth century - quantum physics and theories of relativity. Do you consider these parallells substantially ? Is there a real growth of knowledge in these fields, the western sciences and the mystics or ...

Nervousness in various circumstances

I sometimes feel very nervous in front of an unexpected situation. Today, for instance, I got almost locked in the bathrooms and felt anxious and nervous. Can zen help me in such situations? How can I fight and avoid them?

Do you think that Soto Zen Meditation produces specific mind patterns?

Do you think that Soto Zen Meditation produces specific mind patterns?If so, assuming we can see these patterns with modern equipment anddisplay them to users, couldn't we speed the process of meditation results?People could learn from direct experience via a computer interface.Its just something I'm working on and would appreciate insights. ...


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Amsterdam Sewing the Kesa 2025

The highest wisdom is without goal, without consciousness. We can only get it unconsciously, naturally, automatically.

Taisen Deshimaru

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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Listen to and download last teachings (in french) of Master Kosen in Montpellier's dojo