Suffering like beneficial.

is what you also, you force your spirit to consider the problems, and the suffering like beneficial, a source of joy, in order to appreciate life whatever the situation? thank you master

I have just read your answer.

Dear Stéphane,I have just read your answer. Obviously, I could still answer you but I prefer to tell you that you will be invited to the conference of June 8-10, 2007 in the Gendronnière where we will celebrate the 40 2nd birthday of the implantation of the Zen Soto in Europe by Sensei. We will be able to continue this discussion there which ...

I would like to meet other Zens

I am very new to the Zen ways, I am a Rosicrucian but, I am interested in Zen.I would like to meet other Zens here in the upper desert of Ca.I have been trying to be part on the newsgroup on the netbut there is to much bull to post there and get flamed by so called Christians. Looking forward to someone taking me by the hand and leading me. I am...

How do you manage at your level of spiritual consciousness the limitations and the sufferings of the human beings ?

Bonjour Maître KOSEN,Comment gérez-vous à votre degré de conscience spirituel les limitations les souffrances des humains ? Je suis Moine Zen, ma compassion est grande MAIS à long terme, ces mécanismes karmiques répétés m'ennuient et me lassent, donc mon attitude actuelle fait que je pratique Zazen semblable à un chêne, dans une ...


Is it so important in Zen to know the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha about the four Noble Truths and how critical is it to know the noble Octuple Path and its application?The question may seem silly but I would like to know. Does Zen, like other branches of Buddhism, take into account teachings or is it solely concerned with ...

Abandoning the body and the spirit.

I wanted to know what you understand for "abandoning the body and the spirit". Is this to forget your body-spirit? It seems to me that in one of your teachings you say that in moment it is necessary to forget the body! But then, to return to this body, constantly, as we are recommended in the soto Zen, is this just a first step before the "big ...

ZEN and Nichiren

I lately rediscovered zen, I could find peace in it as I have done a tentative of suicide (unemployment) but I am again peaceful from 3 years. I was practising the Nichiren Buddhism. That helped me but I want to practice the zen again. Can I still do 5 minutes of MAM MYOHO RENGUE KYO and practice zazen or are they not compatible? Nichiren was ...

The Master is interested in the ignorant little worm I am.

I practice the Way but I only very seldom make questions in a Mondo because I do not have a doubt about the direction of the practice and I see myself badly raising a stupid question just to have the illusion of the transitory pleasure that the Master is interested in the ignorant little worm I am. I do Zazen for Zazen itself and I love my ...

There are no more thoughts, nor body...

There are no more thoughts, nor body, nor image of the body, nor sesation, nor perception, nor breathing or conciousness of the breathing, no more space... than the conciousness of a persistante black. It is impossible to describe with words, what is it?

...when they finished their job the Masters go away.

You answer on this subject that when they finished their job the Masters go away. Why according to you don't they remain benefit from this terrestrial life in a state of awakening? Can't this life be lived fully in the conscience of the unit without dying any more? Is there another stage at a certain point of awakening of this life to be ...

Duration of the meetings of zazen.

Hello, One often intends to say, in the groups of practice, or the sesshins, that the duration of the meetings of zazen practised alone, at the house, do not have to exceed 20 min.Why? Personally, my group meets once per week and I everyday approximately an hour. I do not have the impression that that creates a problem or degenerates my ...

A short time ago I was alone in a forest by a river at night.

A short time ago I was alone in a forest by a river at night. All of a suddenI felt an incredible sense of Oneness with the Universe, although I knewthat I am just a small part of the Universe. I felt as though I was part ofa bigger something and I could feel the Universe as part of me. I want toexplore this phenomenon but I don't know what to ...


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The meaning of my coming to the East Has been to transmit the way A flower with five petals blossoms And the fruit will grow by itself


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Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


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