
Are we going away from our inner well-being if we succumb to our desires and to our senses ?

Answer from Master Kosen

Pleasure, suffering, desire, aversion, are only a question of contrast.
The true satisfaction, the true pleasure is only a question of mastering it. A true racehorse does not let himself ride by an ignorant without delicacy.
Someone with no control on himself ends up not feeling any deep well-being.
The pleasures of the senses are not forbidden but they will only belong to the one who has abandoned all desires, the reverse way conducts only to the dependence and to the unhappiness.

Mondo On the same theme : Love and sexuality


Hello Master Kosen, I got question that bothers me very much and I'm somehow blocked because of it. I did bad things Im ashamed of. Bad things I mean it is in relation to girls, relationships, my lust, desires, foolishness. My ex-girl recently broke up with me because of my mistakes I made - and Im in deep despair. Is fact that she broke ...

Homosexual couple.

I'm homosexual and living with somebody for 5 years already, we have plans for the future, including artificial insemination. I'd like to know what this is all about for you and what you think about such things

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Turn your light inside and make a half-turn, The infinite and inconceivable source can neither be faced nor avoided Meet the ancient masters and be intimate with their teaching. Tie up the grass to build a hut and never give up.


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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


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