In Zen, a Mondo is an exchange between a disciple and his master, ( Mon: question, et Do: answer). Some mondos are renowned and illustrate the transmission of Zen « from spirit to spirit ». The master's response, sometimes going further than the question, may at first seem enigmatic or disconcerting.

These days, mondos usually take place in the dojo, during a sesshin.

In this « Mondo Online », you have the unique opportunity to pose a question to Master Kosen.

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Last questions

What is "Mu" ?

My understanding of 'Mu' is that 'Mu' is 'not what it is', and yet it means 'nothing'. Therefore if I say aloud 'wave' I am correct, but if I say 'Mu' aloud I am wrong because one cannot speak of 'Mu'. Am I 'right', 'wrong', or 'Mu'. If so how do you know?

Sexism in the Sutras

Pourquoi tellement de sutras semblent etre opposes a une renaissance en tant que femme? Cela parait plutot sexiste. Je sais que meme le Bouddha mis du temps a permettre aux femmes de joindre la sangha, mais lorsque le temps approprie fut venu il permit effectivement aux femmes de joindre la sangha. Dans les dernieres semaines, je suis tombe sur ...

When satori sucks.

I shall want to speak about Satori and I shall mean that we can meditate, we can do zazen all our lives and experiment satori or the kundalini a million times, 4 times a day, even if it is still violence, or isolation, we become a buddha or a god for ourselves but life is not this. Now, if I feel a satori is coming I want to throw it out, it ...

I am an alcoholic

I am an alcoholic, 6 years ago I stopped drinking, I am attracted by zazen but I cannot explain to me how Master Deshimaru could have become an alcoholic, so then attached

Sotoshu, Roland Rech's response.

Relations with Sotoshu Shumucho. In an answer to the question if his sangha is recognized by Sotoshu in Japan, Master Kosen Stephan Thibaut put forth negative judgements on the attitude of the masters of the AZI and mine in particular founded on erroneous information. I thus request the publication of the following statement which will be done ...

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Next sesshin : from 18 April 2025 to 21 April 2025 - Information and registration to this zen retreat

Easter Sesshin 2025 : Zazen the méditation Zen, Caroux Temple near of Montpellier

Your words and mind are in unity More intimate than mother and father Your actions and the way are in unity, So is the Buddha mind
