
All last week was very mystical for me. I have the impression that there were really several stages. I know, retrospectively that I helped at this time some people in the need, that I did things really well, but as if it were a need, that I was to do it.

But it is at the time of a conversation with my ex that in a flash all my hatred, my rage, my love ran away... I felt appeased and released. I had understood that he was weak, that he required assistance and that I was to listen to him and to tell him things to help him. This calm that I felt was comparable with a drug of happiness and of love; I do not know how to describe it, like a need to like the whole earth. This state remained for 2 days, I have never been so well, I did not have any more a pain in the back as for a year, my skin was bursting and my face smooth, I was very motivated to work, I did not have any more concerns, except that of to love and help people, by knowing that that filled myself of pure plenitude. I was relieved. I looked at people differently in the Parisian subway, by finding them beautiful.

It was like shivers, but within, a state which seemed to come from the chest to diffuse itself, like a kind of ecstasy, and I really saw the Good. But on the other hand I knew instinctively that the state in which I was was only one in a very, very, very small and negligible part of what it could be. It is the first time that a similar thing happened to me, but on another side I had the impression that it is what I have been waiting for years, I have never felt so much love, I have never been "so filled", whereas during all this year, I was depressed, I felt lonely, I felt all aggressiveness and spite full people, I missed my childhood where one had values of kindness, love to others, etc...

I had the impression to have understood things completely, which could have appeared a little naive to me before, like this love of the Good and the Beautiful, like the relativity of things, etc... Everything was evident.
I know that for years I have known deep inside that in each person there is some good, but there I had the impression to see this Good person of each one initially, and also wanted to give them confidence as regards realizing this good person within them, and a irresistible desire for holding them in my arms.

What do you think of what happened to me? Do you who I can turn to tell him about it, understand it, and to know what it is necessary for me to do? I was interested in Buddhism this year, but just in the basis.
I will not say that I want to find this state at all costs (even if it is a little true) because I am well aware that it is only one consequence, that it would be a selfish thing. But they were the two TRUEST days of my life... and I know that I could not make out as if they had not existed. Same if this "drug" (I don’t know which word to use) is over, I really understood the importance of certain values and concept, an almost instantaneous, logical and natural comprehension.

I left Paris before yesterday and I am in Réunionm my native island now, for the holidays, a necessary return to the sources, which will also enable me to think, because I have the impression that what occurred to me will change my life a little but will change me, too. And completely for good, because that as I am even fishing for my job, my household, I saw Reality and that enabled me to understand how I was in the escape, and to exceed it. Tell me what you want, only a sentence perhaps, but I need to have an opinion such as yours.

Answer from Master Kosen

The planetary revolution comes now from the women, you are a true woman of the future, which will help us to exceed our selfishness and our limits by your love and your force of woman, thank you for all and have good year.

Mondo On the same theme : Good and Evil

In each person there is some good.

All last week was very mystical for me. I have the impression that there were really several stages. I know, retrospectively that I helped at this time some people in the need, that I did things really well, but as if it were a need, that I was to do it. But it is at the time of a conversation with my ex that in a flash all my hatred, my rage, ...

What do you mean with balance the polarities?

What do you mean with balance the polarities? And how "to react" facing the duality? "Idiot" example: I have a strong joy, must I benefit from it completely? Me, I would say yes. I have a strong sorrow, must I live it completely? Or avoid it? ... The balance in all that what is it? Nothing to live completely? Live everything completely? One ...

Zen and the problem of evil

Good day,A question worries me from a long time, concerning the possibility of evil. How the zen gives an explanation of the existence of evil, not the fact to steel an apple but concerning really monstruous acts like the ones which the paedophiles commit against children, and which are profoundly traumatizing and destructive?The answer of the ...

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sesshin of Lyon

The way transmitted to the West I transmitted to the East Fishing for the moon Ploughing the clouds I gathered the ancient savor.


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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


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