
Good morning Master,
I have nothing interesting to ask you today. I just want to respectfully greet you. Your teaching helped me a lot. Though there is no dojo in my vicinity, and though I was able to attend only one sesshin till now, I try to manage following your teaching. I deeply appreciate what you do. I only know this way to communicate with you and I am very happy to know that I thus could get answers would I have questions.
I send you all my ever-present affection.

Answer from Master Kosen

Mondo On the same theme : Without category

Just a greeting

Good morning Master, I have nothing interesting to ask you today. I just want to respectfully greet you. Your teaching helped me a lot. Though there is no dojo in my vicinity, and though I was able to attend only one sesshin till now, I try to manage following your teaching. I deeply appreciate what you do. I only know this way to communicate ...

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When we know that there is no separation Between this body and Buddha What is the use of looking for the Nirvana?


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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Listen to and download last teachings (in french) of Master Kosen in Montpellier's dojo