
Master, The Buddha, the god, is without ‘noumène’ thus he has an infinite number of aspects, faces, forms. However the essence of the aspect is beyond the aspect or beyond the not aspect, ‘beyond’ meaning containing immediately 2 aspects: aspect and non-aspect. Isn’it so that the buddha can be seen. So isn’t zazen beyond the aspect or beyond the non-aspect, even divine, of the man?

Answer of Master Kosen:

It is very complicated and unclear


Sabine goes on:

Yes, thank you Master. Here and now, I was answering you, in a Cybercafe, I tried to speak simply with simple words but it did not satisfy me, I felt although I could, if I had a little more patience, do not answer you at once but let clear up in me your answer in the light of my practice.Then the screen began emitting many light, it hurted my eyes, I did not see any more. I asked the persons next to me, if it is me who did not see any more or if it was the screen which it was necessary to settle. 2 bearded men, one dressed as an European, the other one dressed as muslim. They got up and came to settle the luminosity of the screen and the troubles of my eyes disappeared.I said to them: Parakalaofik! They answered me: you're welcome! I then said to them that it was beautiful this word: thank you, in French as in Arabic! They answered me: there is not better, it also means: receive the blessing of God, Allah! I answered them: we are all brothers, why all these religions? And I said to them that it was the question that I just asked to a Buddhist Master. I showed them your site, my questions and your answers. They were connected on a Koranic site, about the guidance. They spoke to me about God's uniqueness, said to me that we also called it The Unchanging in the Islam. For them, it was dangerous to think that we are God, they were speaking about god as if it was an entity truly separated from the human and were saying that god did create everything but that even if we have the free will to not believe in it as the Great Creator of everything, to think that we were also creators was a creation of our own ego. Out of that, every thing they said they were practicing was my practice. At a certain point, i felt that they were preaching in a dogmatic way ans so I say to them that it was not necessary to try to explain everything, to think that we’ve understood everything, to think that we can get everything through the mind. They said: anyway we were guided this morning, you and I, by God, by Allah and this meeting with you did not happened out of the blue. Our discussion went one for 15 minutes. When I went out to smoke a cigarette, to take a break after this meeting, the boss of the cybercafé said to me that these guys paid for me. That’s it. When do you think about what happening to me here and now?

Answer from Master Kosen

It is to be guided

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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


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