
Aioli that means hello in Provence!

Caro Stéphane,

On our premises we would say, no it is a guy, I’m right!

and the other buddy, says "it seems to me he is not a guy, he is a monk"

A fatchedecon! He is dressed in fashion, he is a samurai, or then he is Chinese! Besides he’s got a Bartez haircut done. Without talking cock!

I’m not talking cock! He impressed me so much that I visited the site, and I adore your work on the Buddha, the dharma and the sangha, which is drunk like fresh and semi-sparkling water!

This says Maître Kosen, although you are one of the rare spiritual researchers who inspires respect to me in the way of meditation.

The meeting of the Eastern world and the Western world is finally felt! We know that all the rivers empty in the ocean, and if one regards as non-form or vacuum, why wouldn’t the rivers get dressed in vacuum! With the color of reality.

Despite everything the respect that I do have of the various ways to reach the awakening and of all the Masterswho dropped in this earth, Jesus, Mahomet, Buddha, Krisnha, Amma, among others... In spite of the immense respect I have for Master Deshimaru, why do we feel obliged to caricature the Easterners, such as Tibetan clothes like Matthieu Ricard, Japanese style, very beautiful costumes, Hindu saris, and all that? where is thus our freedom, our independence and our creativity??? Meditating in the deep respect of all the sensitive beings, in they way for the awakening and the peace of all!

Even Buddha himself didn’t he asked to accept things only after having dissolved them like gold and to accept them for gold in the knowledge of things.


Answer from Master Kosen

The genuine dress of Zen and Buddhism, is the Kesa.
If one travels in the Buddhist worlds, the Kesa is what there is best.
But that isn’t a clothing in fashion, it’s like the color of the trees, neither young, nor old.
It is made to practice zazen and it’s true masterpiece, at the same time poor and invaluable.

Mondo On the same theme : Ceremonies

The impression of being in Japan.

Kan ji zaï bo satsu. Gyo jin han...why sing that, what does it mean? In the dojo, why do I have the impression of being in Japan? I am not Japanese. I speak better Japanese than Breton! Zazen is very good. Thank you

Obliged to caricature the Easterners.

Aioli that means hello in Provence! Caro Stéphane, On our premises we would say, no it is a guy, I’m right! and the other buddy, says "it seems to me he is not a guy, he is a monk" A fatchedecon! He is dressed in fashion, he is a samurai, or then he is Chinese! Besides he’s got a Bartez haircut done. Without talking cock! I’m not talking...

About the name which the Master gives us.

Hello Master Kosen. Here still a question which you will answer, I hope. About the name which the Master gives us during the ordination of Bodhissatva. Perhaps, it is wrong of me to be attached to it but I like it and it acts like a koan to be meditated since you gave it to me. Does one have to be attaches to it? To make use of it? ...

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Amsterdam Sewing the Kesa 2025

Through the thought without thought Direct your attention towards the inside To examine the divine spark When your thought cannot go farther It goes back to the source Where nature and form Noumene and phenomenon Are not two but one.


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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Listen to and download last teachings (in french) of Master Kosen in Montpellier's dojo