State of mind in the everyday life.

I’ve been practising zazen for some time nowAnd I feel the need to be in the same state of mind in the everyday life as the one I am when I practise zazen, because I have the impression that it belongs to me.Only at the time of zazen this state is natural, in everyday life it can come all alone sometimes, but most of the time I force myself ...


40 years after the overthrow of the democratically elected Salvador Allende government by Pinochet and his supporters who killed and tortured innocent people, particularly poor people. . . Today we still believe in "don't forgive and don't forget". . . We, twenty-first century monks and bodhisattvas who daily live in society, ...

Zen and Yoga

Hello Master, I practise yoga, the Iyengar method, very hard and demanding, but I do not know if it is my way. But anyway, it is very clear to me that the body is the base of the spiritual progress, and I believe that Zen do not pay enough attention to this aspect. Do you believe, yourself, that Zen can guarantee a healthy body, so that it does ...


My Zen teacher, a former student of Master Deshimuru, tells me to have long slow exhalations and short quick inhalations, but I have read other zazen "manuals", inluding one by Temple Antaiji, that you should just let the breath be natural. What is the difference between letting the breath be as it is and forcing the breath to breath long ...

Mastery and developing of oneself.

Hello, After a lifetime of mastery and developing of oneself and respect of life; it has been more than twenty years now that I do not have any more sexual intercourse without feeling a little frustration, on the contrary, a serene plenitude, one year that I do not masturbate any more the sex of my flesh, and a year also, that I feel a permanent...

Translation of Sutras

HelloAs the patriarchs imported Buddhism (and thus the Chan / Zen) in China and in Japan, they translated the language of sutras in the local language. Why those who established and establish sanghas of Zen practice in the West, where the spoken languages are English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish do recite sutras in Sino - Japanese instead of ...

What definition for mushin ?

Good morning Stephane, happy to have found you back! Sempai to the monk Kosen sensei. What definition for mushin ? How to practice shin jin datsu raku ? Gassho! Jean Pierre Bignon.JpbBign

What is Zen? I am not able to stop thinking what I must or mustn't do.

Hello, I found Zen and I heard about what that is, but I do not understand. At first, I understood that it was a practice. Then I read that it was to follow or to count the breathings with your back straight. Then I understood that it was nothing special, then something very special. Now I would like to have read anything at all. We would not ...


If a thought arises many times in one minute, if I am very attained to the thought, how can I cut this attachment? How should I end the habbit of controlling this thouht if it's very strong?

How can we stay zen at work?

How can we stay zen at work, mostly with our collegues, when we have the impression that they make you guilty for something you don’t know, that they criticise everybody behind their backs, and when we have the impression that one of them was your girlfriend, that you have confined yourself in and who is just using what she knows about you to ...

Freewill and destiny?

Since I was a little boy, I have always been intrigued by the metaphysical problem of freewill and destiny and have after a very long reading process realised that Western philosophy can never help me understand the truth to this most fundamental paradox. Many people believe in absolute freewill and yet others say we have no freewill whatsoever,...


I ask a question: the buddha spoke openly about the reincarnation; why thus the Zen, which comes from the Buddhism, does not believe in it while his leader spoke about it?


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In ku there is no matter, no perception, no feeling, no action and no consciousness There is no color, no sound, no smell, no taste, no thought. There is no knowledge, no ignorance, no illusion, no cessation of illusion There is no birth, no death, no suffering, no cessation of suffering. There is no profit, no loss.


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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Listen to and download last teachings (in french) of Master Kosen in Montpellier's dojo