
Hello Master,
I practise yoga, the Iyengar method, very hard and demanding, but I do not know if it is my way. But anyway, it is very clear to me that the body is the base of the spiritual progress, and I believe that Zen do not pay enough attention to this aspect. Do you believe, yourself, that Zen can guarantee a healthy body, so that it does not become an obstacle to our spiritual search? Master Deshimaru said that Zen is something higher than yoga, although this answer seems to me a little ambiguous, I do not know what he meant with that. what do you think of yoga? I suppose you will find that Zen is better. Their purposes are the same, but they are such different roads...

Answer from Master Kosen

You can contact my disciple Gabriela, responsible of Barcelona's dojo. She too teaches and has studied Iyengar yoga very seriously.

Mondo On the same theme : Others disciplines

Sport or meditation, or both?

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The new age theses.

I have just read the question of one of your disciples about his absolute mastery and I visited the site of jasmuheen. I must admit that I found it somehow worrying... I know that you met this person but I am astonished to see a Zen Master adhering to the new age theses (kind of marvellous shallow and thwarting, but this is only as for me). So ...


Hello I'm Nancy, I have been reading Osho and its message seems to me excellent, nowadays it is necessary to be able to extract these educations and to be able to read them and to try to interpret them, in my case they have been of great help and happiness for my life. My question is: Always for one or another reason I have not had a couple, I ...

Zen and Yoga

Hello Master, I practise yoga, the Iyengar method, very hard and demanding, but I do not know if it is my way. But anyway, it is very clear to me that the body is the base of the spiritual progress, and I believe that Zen do not pay enough attention to this aspect. Do you believe, yourself, that Zen can guarantee a healthy body, so that it does ...

Could you teach me how to "defeat before fighting" ?

Dear Master Kosen,When I asked you the question about the aspect "do" of the Martial Arts, you answered me : "to defeat before attacking".I have thought about your answer, `to defeat before fighting' and I finished considering it as a koan. I asked myself : " to defeat whom, to defeat what ?" Nevertheless, I think I found an answer and I would ...

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The abused mindturns around the lotusThe awakened mindmakes the lotusturn around him.


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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


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