The hands during zazen

Hello, i have a problem with my hands. They dont stay still, and fingers and thumbs move, plus i feel kind of pain (like when you hold your arm up in the air for some time), in both my hands and arms. these are my problems, they dont happen all at once but they happen in general, so all in all i cant remain still. It is not fidgeting, they move ...

Just a greeting

Good morning Master, I have nothing interesting to ask you today. I just want to respectfully greet you. Your teaching helped me a lot. Though there is no dojo in my vicinity, and though I was able to attend only one sesshin till now, I try to manage following your teaching. I deeply appreciate what you do. I only know this way to communicate ...

I prefer hell to paradise

Master Deshimaru said: “ I prefer hell to paradise; there, at least, you can freely have a drink with your friends. This is what Mushotoku is about. People who fear the infernal cycle of transmigration are so boring.”However, Buddhism, and more particularly Tibetan Buddhism, says that being afraid of transmigration and of being ...

About reiki

Hello Stephane, My question is about reiki. It was done to me, then I discussed with the person who had applied it to me. She said to me, about the initiation into the first or second degree, that it was a setting in touch with my guardian angel, "the ascended Masters and beings of light". That made me perplexed; I was told that you had had an ...


Hi there, bonjour... I practise my sitting twice/thrice a day.Love the sit. Best thing in my life. Go to a small group once a week too, part of white plum org. No probs with that. was wondering though if you guys were ever considering setting up a branch of your sangha in London?

"Here and now."

In Zen, it is often heard to return to the "here and now". I perceive "now" like the timless interval between two seized thoughts. The thoughts which emerge we have to only let them pass. The is spirit stripped?I have more problems with the "HERE", although it must be rewarding to be concentrated in the body, with the buttocks on the zafu. It ...

maily magdalena madera rafo

Last night, for the first time, I've practiced zazen at home. I succeeded in relaxing and I felt rather calm. After a while, I went to bed and I had the worst nightmare in my whole life. I dreamt I was lost in a very white and beautiful place that I didn't know. Despite of the beauty of the place, I felt in danger. ...

Burned out

I started practicing Buddhism more than ten years ago, I did retreats, etc., but my life is just as miserable as before, or even more. I have lost my faith in chanting mantras or sitting because it had not made me any happier or wiser. I feel old and kind of burned out, I do not feel the slightest inspiration to sit zazen, chant mantras or ...

Tobacco addiction

I do not practice Zen, though in my way, I'm one of your disciples.I feed much on information gathered on the Internet and I've attended various indigenous spiritual practices (I live in Colombia). I've stopped smoking for two months, about one year ago. I then understood how important self-control was and realized its ...

About the name which the Master gives us.

Hello Master Kosen. Here still a question which you will answer, I hope. About the name which the Master gives us during the ordination of Bodhissatva. Perhaps, it is wrong of me to be attached to it but I like it and it acts like a koan to be meditated since you gave it to me. Does one have to be attaches to it? To make use of it? ...

About willpower

Greetings, I'll be very greatful if you will find some time for my question. I understand that buddhism (or practice buddhist teaching) is the way to find answer for all my questions. But I have realy lack of willpower. I have read lot of books about buddhism and I also found our local zen sangha, where I can practicing. But everytime when I ...


The will to find my spirit has occured after an experience related to death.Master, though it may seem like looking for a product in a supermarket, which vehicle leads to the true mind? Alls schools of Buddhism are very precious to me. . . But I would like to follow one way only and at this point, I have doubts.I've read that from the ...

I would like to know what is action for zen ?

Good morning! I am not especially interested by money or power on the other people; I have no political vocation - anyway, money is in process to win; I know that I will die one day - tomorrow or later, and I try to love the ones I love without succeeding in it the way I would like to (well, a bit like everybody I guess). If I tell you all that,...


I lost my father when I was two years old and a few years ago, I've been close to death and lost my elder brother in the event. This awakened in me a rampant fear, fear of being ill, of dying, of loneliness and of ceasing to exist. Since that day, all these fears disturb me and impact my life. The fact of losing brings me a great suffering and ...

The adjective formed with this noun is proud.

You are right the ego is a noun, on the other hand pride is not an adjective, it is a common noun.The adjective formed with this noun is proud. But if I understood the thread of your thought well, you wanted to say that pride is a direct consequence of the ego. However, I believe that you wrote that in all knowledge of cause in order to make us ...


by dr david darling..what do you think ?"reincarnation? Yes and no. Death defines the ultimate limits of selves and exposes how fragile, artificial, and essentially unimportant these creations of the living human brain really are. Will you live again? Once more, it is the present self-in-charge that wants to know. And perhaps the best, most ...

Sotoshu in Japan.

Hello Master KosenI wish to get the ordination of boddhisatva. If at first I thought of passing by the AZI (because it is the association that Master Deshimaru founded), we could think that it was legally the most logical.Little which I saw over there quickly discouraged me.I then plan to benefit of a stay in Japan to make me order "on the ...

Discuss together.

Dear Stephan,I’ve read the various confrontations between Roland and you, and it makes me really happy that you can discuss together, as you had answered it to me. You are very different, but I do not cease being persuaded that you received the same marrow, and that you both try to retransmit it as well as possible, each one his way. I do not ...


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In ku there is no matter, no perception, no feeling, no action and no consciousness There is no color, no sound, no smell, no taste, no thought. There is no knowledge, no ignorance, no illusion, no cessation of illusion There is no birth, no death, no suffering, no cessation of suffering. There is no profit, no loss.


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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Listen to and download last teachings (in french) of Master Kosen in Montpellier's dojo