
Pourquoi tellement de sutras semblent etre opposes a une renaissance en tant que femme?
Cela parait plutot sexiste. Je sais que meme le Bouddha mis du temps a permettre aux femmes de joindre la sangha, mais lorsque le temps approprie fut venu il permit effectivement aux femmes de joindre la sangha.
Dans les dernieres semaines, je suis tombe sur le 35eme voeu d'Amida: "Si ... des femmes [des mondes de Bouddha] en entendant prononcer mon Nom n'ont alors pas la foi et ne se rejouissent pas, si elles s'eveillent a l'esprit de la bodhi et renoncent a leur feminite, et, si lors de leur renaissance naissent a nouveau sous une forme feminine, alors que je ne parvienne pas a l'illumination supreme."
Et maintenant je suis en train de lire le "Soutra des anciens voeux du Bodhisattva terrestre" et il est dit: "Si ma mere n'entrera jamais a nouveau les trois chemins diaboliques, si elle ne renaitra jamais dans des bas mondes, et ne sera jamais une femme a nouveau, alors ici en face de l'image de Ainsi-Venu aux Yeux de Pur Lotus, je fais le voeu a partir de ce jour pour des millions de kalpas que je serai sensible a tous les etres qui vivent dans les enfers ou sur les trois chemins malefiques de tout monde en souffrant pour leurs offenses." Il ne semble pas que de tels propos sont ceux de Bouddha et de bodhisattvas > mais ceux de gens ordinaires a l'esprit plutot "male".
S'il vous plait repondez-moi. Je vous remercie pour votre patience avec cette longue question.

Answer from Master Kosen

Nobody wished to be reincarnated as a woman because, in the social reality of that time, women were maintained in a state of slavery, physically and moraly. It is as if an Egyptian prince had said: I hope that in another existence I will reincarnate as a prince and not as a slave. It is a sexism linked to the social reality of this time, but which has nothing to do with a deep teaching.

Mondo On the same theme : Ceremonies

The impression of being in Japan.

Kan ji zaï bo satsu. Gyo jin han...why sing that, what does it mean? In the dojo, why do I have the impression of being in Japan? I am not Japanese. I speak better Japanese than Breton! Zazen is very good. Thank you

Obliged to caricature the Easterners.

Aioli that means hello in Provence! Caro Stéphane, On our premises we would say, no it is a guy, I’m right! and the other buddy, says "it seems to me he is not a guy, he is a monk" A fatchedecon! He is dressed in fashion, he is a samurai, or then he is Chinese! Besides he’s got a Bartez haircut done. Without talking cock! I’m not talking...

About the name which the Master gives us.

Hello Master Kosen. Here still a question which you will answer, I hope. About the name which the Master gives us during the ordination of Bodhissatva. Perhaps, it is wrong of me to be attached to it but I like it and it acts like a koan to be meditated since you gave it to me. Does one have to be attaches to it? To make use of it? ...

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When the discriminating thoughts are forgotten, it is like the white panache of the weeds shining on the snow.


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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


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