I do not know what to do with my existence.

Please Mr Kosen, I need assistance... I do not know if it is or it has been, all my life for these last years is a perpetual escape forward. I do not know what to do with my, existence, I set off on ways which will not take me anywhere, I get completely discouraged and that ends up feeding my bitterness, my melancholy, my despair and especially ...

A sudden comprehension of the awakening.

Tozan had a sudden comprehension of the awakening, innate. He had a sudden realization. After him, Sosan developed the theory of the degrees, Go I. Your book tackles this subject and brings it up to date, in a way, for those who need it, to give some reference marks. In the sudden way, there is no more reference mark, all the directions have ...

Count or observe the breathing?

I would like to know if one should count the breathing or it is only necessary to observe it.when I count the breathing I get anxious and when I only observe it I have arrived into samadhi.thanks for your kind answer


I've read a book from osho that speaks about zen, but in those books he never explains who taught zen to him, and being something you learn from practising, he should have a Master, shouldn't he?What do you think about osho and his books? is he a fake?

What to do with the pain during zazen?

What to do when almost every time we sit in zazen we feel spasms in the back, the shoulder blades etc.... Would the attitude a bit martial and rigid of the posture such as one teaches it in Zen be in question? And the pain, nobody speaks about it about the pain, nevertheless it is there, even if we observe it, it invades then all the landscape,...

This gesture towards the other.

Rebel in the words, shocking in others, tender from time to time or quite simply sweeping the answers of long origins... the way of thinking is close but the means of expressing it pushes us back towards reality sometimes violent and aggressively, generally directing us towards a wall without end... through the Net I discovered your site which ...

Saint, either as awakening, doesn't exist ?

When girls treated St Francis of Assisi as a saint, he used to answer: I am not a saint, I could make you a child. For me, it is a koan, and my interpretation is that holiness, just like awakening, do not exist. One who claims to be awaked, can he be sure of his reaction facing the death of his/her child, the news of a cancer, its own death or ...

I would like to somehow get started in learning and studing Zen

Dear sir:I live in Las Cruces NM and have been interested in Zen for some time, but because I live in such a small city I have no access to groups teaching Zen. I would like to somehow get started in learning and studing Zen, but at this time all I have to go by are books...and of course e-mail.I hope I'm not misusing your on line question home ...

Certain questions remain unanswered.

I’ve recently started practising Zazen (a month ago) in the dojo Zen of Toulouse. I also meditate alone at home. Certain questions remain unanswered. I need a guide I believe who could answer some of my questions. How can I become disciple? Yours sincerely,

The traditionnal Norwegian cooking

The traditionnal Norwegian cooking can be splitted up in two parts : the first one : frying the second one : coal cooking. Which one seems to you the nearest to the spirit of the true Zen of Master Deshimaru ?

Can zazen help me to go beyond in my work of clinical presentations concerning the autistic and psychotic persons?

Salut, Je travaille dans un centre thérapeutique de recherche en analytique. Je fais des présentations cliniques à propos d'autistes et de psychotiques, le centre où je travaille fonctionne beaucoup avec les travaux de Lacan, mais je dois avouer que parfois mes interprétations reprennent le dessus. Est-ce que zazen peut m'aider à aller au ...

The shade of desire.

Hello, here my question: during zazen, is not carnally necessary to be inhabited by the shade of desire so that in full light, we can try out its inconsistency

An enormous quantity of energy.

I often have moments during the day or I have an enormous quantity of energy which fills my brain, my body my eyes and I have the impression to be in the world and out of the world simply with the smile.It is very pleasant, even in my foot but it is also alarming because I have the impression to lose control on all, I wonder whether I will not ...

I wonder if liberation is only a nice word in zen books

I sit nearly everyday counting breath; I offered my room for zazen for now over 4 years , to attract other people to sit together with me, but people come and go noone stays, I feel alone and apart from a group of other people on the zen path,i failed to establish a local sangha; I only sit there facing the wall and nothing happens beside pain ...


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Amsterdam Sewing the Kesa 2025

What would I leave as memory? The flowers in the spring, The cuckoo in the summer, The maple leaves in the fall.


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Questions to zen Master Kosen

Boddidharma, buddhist monk

Master Kosen

Follow his teachings in the Montpellier Zen dojo and in the great sesshins at Yujo Nyusanji zen temple


Listen to and download last teachings (in french) of Master Kosen in Montpellier's dojo